The Hammer Times
[BREAKING] Is Fluff ready for its first tournament? + Exclusive interview with "Is this amazing?" Jasper
Issue #2 — 2019, April (?)
Dear Fluffy,
Life is like a hammer, it goes up and down. Two weeks ago we had to say goodbye to our dear friend Mitja, who has transferred to KFK Copenhagen. (Apparently the deal even made Frenkie de Jong feel like a small fish.) We also had some great ups. Firstly: our fluff Franz is going to be a father!
To help him pick out a name we collected suggestions of our team members. If the name you sent in is selected you get a lifetime supply of free beer from Franz!. (The entrants are known to the organization).
- Girl: Flora, Jacqueline (Jack), Aisha, Rosa, Alma, Dunja, Isabelle
- Boy: Topper, Uli-Tim Mate, Willem, Karim, Gijs
- Gender neutral: Noah, Aaltje, Von Bismark

Is Fluff ready for its first tournament?
If you say firstly, there has to be a secondly too. Well, we damn sure have a second highlight to look forward to! Coach Huibert van Wijk finally has decided Fluff is ready for its first tournament! The tournament commission has landed its eyes on the one and only Natte Neuzen Toernooi 2019 in Wageningen, The Netherlands on the weekend of 25 and 26 May. The tournament includes:
- an amazing ultimate tournament
- lunch on Saturday and Sunday
- diner on Saturday
- breakfast on Sunday
- A camping spot, bring your own tent(s) though
- An crazy party on Saturday evening.
Fill in this form if you want to join. We need to make sure we collect at least 7 players to pay the first 350 euro. Till 12-05-2019 it is possible to add players to our team, there's no maximum. So decide before that date!

HOE IS HET NU MET: Youtube star Jasper: "I hope to be diving soon again"
Our razende reporter has spoken to our beloved Jasper Bischofberger, who has elightened fluff with his big smile and safety precautions in the summer of 2018. A few questions for him.
Hello Jasper, where do you live at the moment?
Tübingen, Germany.
What are you up to?
Right now I'm finishing up my semester. Mainly studying for some exams during February, partly working in a package-free, eco-hipster store 😜.
How happy are you on a scale of 1-10 and why so?
A 6. On my way up the scale, but still quite mellow, as I recently injured my knee again. Started doing excercises again, hopefully I will be diving soon. (Actually, still didn't lose my bidginity completely, but that's planned for summer!)
What's your best fluff memory?
Our fabulous celebration at the oasis, with breathtaking kitchen runs, lovely quizzes, and lekker-lekker dinner!
Are you playing ultimate at the moment and where?
Yes, coming back to Tübingen I joined the "Maultaschen Tübingen" again. Recently injured, but hopefully I will continue playing with them soon again.
Will you ever be in Amsterdam again?
Yes, I'm sure about that! Not planned so far though, but I will definitely include a Monday for that visit 😉
Lesson of the week: the vert stack for beginners
The goal of Vert Stack is to help teammates get open by organizing the otherwise chaotic cutting and running. Vert Stack may seem a little confusing on the surface but it is effective and a must-know offensive Ultimate Frisbee play. Here is a video the Ultimate Frisbee HQ created to help give a better visual.